Nearshore Dedicated Team

Extend your team with software developers, designers, testers and other IT specialists from Eastern Europe.
Focus on your company's core business, while our team finds, manages and retains the talents you need.

Talk to our experts

Direct control

The team is exclusively dedicated to you for the long term.

Manage directly the development.


Access talent, fast

Access a huge pool of English-speaking tech talents in Eastern Europe.

Start working in days, not months.


Control costs & focus

Get a simple all-inclusive pricing, with no hidden fees.

Focus on your business, we handle all HR & admin.

What IT talent are you looking for?

Book a meeting with Pablo Pfister, our CEO

Book a meeting

How to start?

Focus on developing your software and let us handle the recruitment and management of the tech team.


Request a talent

We help you specifying your needs from a business and technical perspective, determining which hard and soft skills are required in your team.

Request a talent now

Choose your player

Our expert recruiters find the talents suiting your needs. We screen the language, soft and hard skills of the candidates and propose you the "Crème de la crème".
You select the candidates you prefer. Our team organizes interviews and test tasks, so that you can personally assess their competences.


Start working

We help you in making onboarding as efficient as possible to start working rapidly.

We take care of all the rest

We take care of all the administrative and organisational tasks to keep the team motivated for the long term, manage the payroll, accounting, days off and making sure that the contractual obligations are met by everybody.

Do you need tech talents to join your team?

Contact us

Talents we propose

Software development

  • JavaScript developers (TypeScript, React, Angular, Vue, Node.js, Express.js, Next.js, Nest.js, React Native, Flutter, ...)
  • Python developers (Flask, Django, FastAPI, ...)
  • Java developers (Spring, ...)
  • PHP developers (Laravel, Symfony, Wordpress, ...)
  • .NET developers
  • iOS developers
  • Android developers
  • Blockchain & Web3 developers (Solidity, Viper, EVM, Solana, web3.js, wagmi, ...)
  • Database developers (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, ...)
  • Cloud engineers (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, ...)
  • DevOps (CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes, ...)

Project management

  • Project managers
  • Product managers
  • Business analysts

Design and markup development

  • UX/UI designers (Figma, Adobe suite, ...)
  • UI developers (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, ...)
  • Webflow developers

Quality Assurance

  • QA manual
  • QA automation


  • HR assistants
  • Recruitmet sourcers
  • Data labeling
  • Support

Wonder if we are the right partner for you?

Have a virtual coffee with us